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  1. #1
    Registered Member One Ring
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    Help with Cam Chain Adjuster error

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    Hi all,

    I have a 2001 Avant (2.8) ATQ with 185k miles. I recently started to develop some cam chain tensioner noise (like a diesel sounds) and just for confirmation asked a great local shop for a diagnosis. They agreed that the bank 2 CCT needed to be replaced. I ordered a supposedly quality OEM adjuster for $350. It is a new unit not a reman. I replaced it the other day and everything went well until I started it. Car was running rough so I plugged in my Vag Com and checked for codes. Code 17938 - Camshaft Timing Adjustment - Short to ground? This had me baffled. I checked the pins on the plug, all good. After some research it sounds like the Adjuster might be bad? I did run the engine output test from the Vag Com. Initially the adjusters did nothing, so I unplugged the new one (bank 2) and bank 1 started to cycle away. If I plug Bank 2 back in they will not cycle. I tried to hook a meter up to the plug (for bank 2) during a test to read for power and it will create the same result, neither works? Not sure I understand that. At any rate with the car idling the bank 2 plug reads 12+ volts steady on the brown/yellow (top) wire. I think the bottom wire is grounded per the ECU?

    When the car is running and the new bank 2 adjuster is plugged in I get multiple misfires and the ground codes. If I unplug it, no misfires or codes.


    1. Do I have a bad Cam Chain Tensioner?
    2. Is there any other test I can do to verify it is faulty?

    Thanks, I just hate to go through the trouble of pulling it out, swapping in a OE Audi for $800 and finding the same issues somehow.


  2. #2
    Veteran Member Three Rings audinutt's Avatar
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    Bad cheap tensioner. get a genuine audi part and be done with it. OEM is not oe. It's a way of passing off subpar parts on my experience. Do the job once do it right. Now you learned

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
    Last edited by audinutt; 02-24-2016 at 11:51 AM.
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  3. #3
    Veteran Member Three Rings audinutt's Avatar
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    You could try swapping the electrics from your old one to the new one but I would just replace the unit with a proper one

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
    Last edited by audinutt; 01-29-2016 at 09:00 AM.
    2001 Audi S8
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  4. #4
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Are you sure you got the correct side? I think there is a different part for left vs right but they will fit on either head.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Three Rings bpark1210's Avatar
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    glenn is right the CCT's look similar but ultimately operate the tensioner in opposite ways to accommodate the heads being flipped on either side of the car. Essentially if you have the wrong CCT on the wrong side the oil pressure will cause the tensioner to contract when it should expand and vice versa. I'd double check your part # to ensure you have the right tensioner. Not sure if that would cause electrical issues but worth checking out.


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