The other night I did a simple oil change and spark plug change. The next day on my way to work the car died on the highway(70mph). I would give it gas but it just slowly revved down and died. I would try to crank it but it wouldnt start(not getting gas it seemed).When i got towed home i checked the plugs and they were all very white. I then turned the key in accessory and did not hear the pump. I then pulled the pump and tested it and it turned on. So then after i put the pump back in and all the cars electronics are bugging like it not getting any power. The positive cable doesnt look good but i tried cleaning it and the car still wont light up correctly(dash electronics). Things ive done: 1. Swapped battery
2. Swapped ecu
3. Checked fuel pump
4.Checked fuses
The main fuse off the positive cable is still intact but the postive cable connector is not pretty. Would this cause the fuel pump not to get power and then mess power for everything else? When i put a multimeter on the battery connected the voltage is all over the place. The stock positive cable is $364 from ecs and i just want to make sure before i spend that kind of money on the oem cable. TIA!