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I just thought it's a bit sobering seeing so little gains from a stage 3 setup :/ In my past experiences, Stage 3 has meant a lot more power compared to prior stages....I think I'm suffering from the B5 hangover when talking turbos ;), and with the RS4 SC, that was a whole other story and doesn't really compare (since NA tune only gets you almost nothing).
In all likelihood, though, someone will come along and find a way to get bigger gains...it's just a matter of time. It'll be interesting to see what the DSG truly can handle. In the B5 days, no one believed the Tip could handle Stage 3 for any amount of time, but mine lasted for as long as I knew the car (~60k miles on Stg3). That said - getting close to hitting 10's on this car via Stage 3 is a pretty nice accomplishment.
Anyway - wasn't meant to be a buzzkill, just kinda' hit me as I was contemplating what's next for mine ;) Looking forward to seeing what the Stage 2 APR tune will do!
A couple of points.....
1. You always get diminishing returns when you go for bigger and bigger power. Don't forget that you will need cooling upgrades, new plugs, etc for a reliable Stage 3, and then the labor costs for the install, compared to the $50 of so for the time to do a flash. As such, $7300 will turn into about $12,000 done right.
2. We are still WAY early in the tuning game for upgraded turbos on these cars. When I had my B5 S4, I had the second stage 3 kit that APR commercially sold for the car in the country. That was in the summer of 2002, and my car was displayed at Waterfest that year with their kit installed. It dyno'd at about 340whp. If you know B5 S4 tuning, you know that there was still a lot left on the table. But....you will need cooling, better clutch packs, etc. Audi turbo motors, however, have historically been pretty bullet proof to even high levels of boost/tuning. The best is yet to come.