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  1. #1
    Active Member One Ring
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    2009 B8 Engine Compatibility Advice

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    Hi All,

    New to this forum. Have a 2009 A4 Avant wagon CAEB code "F" 2.0T. Is my GF's vehicle. Oil pressure dropped to 5psi at idle all of the sudden setting off warning etc. Fine at 2K+ rpm. Started with having it looked at by a decent shop that does audi, vw, bmw, Mercedes etc. Tons of labor later they found a check ball and bits in pan. No grindings or other metal. Looked at "cam saddle" unit. Found its ball and screen blown out but located there near saddle. Oil pump ball was intact in pump. Only other "ball" that they could think of was the check valve in head.

    I have since pulled head and check ball/valve was intact. Don't know of any other places where check ball in pan could have come from. Only thing I can think of twas the ball in pan was from a previous saddle that Audi dealer had replaced under recall.

    So....with no visible/known cause of pressure loss I've decided to swap out the oil guzzling motor for another. The thing was burning a QT every 500 or so but ran great at 120K mi.

    If anyone has any ideas that would be great but at this point I'm just looking for COMPATIBLE DONOR YEARS. I think 2009-2012? Anything else I need to specify. CAEB? Better years? I think 2011 on is best?

    Thank you in advance.


  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings bluetori's Avatar
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    Let me know how it goes, I assume you are not the first owner check Shokan for engines hope all goes well and yeah the later the better.

  3. #3
    Active Member One Ring
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    Actually she was. With the miles she couldn't benefit from the class action lawsuit and never had work done to limit oil consumption that could be reimbursed. The oil pressure loss wouldn't be covered at 120k I'd assume.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings Militant-Grunt's Avatar
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    All CAEB motors will work. Some may have the updated cam adjustment solenoid on the front of the motor, at which case you'd have to change the connector on the harness, besides that its pretty much all the same.
    -MilitantGrunt- Certified Audi Dealership Technician / Parts Manager
    -18 718 GTS
    -10 B8 A4 Avant - 6spd swapped / built motor / Pag Parts EFR 7163 Turbo Setup.


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