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    Registered Member One Ring
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    Jan 22 2016
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    Potential new Audi owner with questions: Which generation of A4 is the most reliable?

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    Due to the brutal winters we can have, I've got my heart set on an all-wheel-drive car. Something that is "safe" on the ice and snow, and still fun to drive when it's dry out. There are very few options: mainly just Subaru and Audi. Used Subaru's around here are rarely available because people don't sell them, or they're expensive since most of the used ones available are off-lease waiting to be purchased (and therefore too expensive for my budget).

    While Subaru's around here are rarely available, Audi's are plentiful. One main reason I'm seeing is that they are very expensive to maintain with frequent high-dollar maintenance needs. The only other option is an SUV with AWD, which are also plentiful as well. But who wants an SUV when cars (especially with Turbo/Superchargers) are more fun to drive?

    So, off with my questions:

    * What is/was the best year for the A4 (B4, B5, B6, etc.) concerning reliability. Meaning the least amount of high-dollar maintenance, most dependable years for the car?

    * I've seen many reviews regarding the torque converter problem. Which years should I avoid, or how many miles should the car have on it to "guarantee" that the problem had to have been fixed?

    * When posting the generation of Audi, could you also please post how many miles the car should have where most major problems would have to have been fixed (if possible).

    * I've also seen that there is a PCV problem with some years. What years were those an issue, and/or how many miles does the car need to have to avoid having to deal with the issue.

    * What is the PCV on an Audi? I know what a PCV valve is on my Saturn, which is a very inexpensive part that can be replaced in 30-seconds. What is it and why is it so expensive on an Audi?

    I would really like an Audi, but I'm worried about the negative reviews regarding maintenance as my salary doesn't have enough disposable income to make multiple $1000-$2000-$3000 repairs every year or two.

    My price range is between $4000-$5000 on a used Audi. I'm trying to get a feel on what year to purchase one that is the most dependable and had the least amount of expensive issues. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and respond. It will help greatly in my purchasing decision.

    Last edited by BoneZ; 01-22-2016 at 02:24 PM.


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