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Can someone explain this,
I read in the diy on cam tensioner seals where you have to put that back cylinder to TDC? Exactly how do u do that? I seen the timing mark on the block and I guess there's one on the cam or chain? The diy's photo is real ambiguous. So do I just turn the crank bolt till the two marks match? If anyone has done this please explain this part of the job to me. Thx
Put the #1 cylinder, closest to the timing belt, to TDC by lining up the mark on the harmonic balancer with the notch in the lower timing belt cover. Once the upper t-belt cover comes off check the cam gear, it should be at almost the 12 o'clock position. If not you're 180 degrees out so roll it over once more, there will be a mark on the valve cover to line up with the cam gear.
Be sure there are 16 rollers in between the index marks on the cams, nearest the cam chain tensioner, these marks will also be at the 12 o'clock position once you're at #1 TDC and the valve cover is off obviously.
The latter is the most difficult part of the entire process.
If you don't own a Bentley manual I highly suggest one. I got a few from eBay, used for less than half brand new.