All this great advice on when summer tires suck in the snow... show of hands who has actually driven in the snow on summer tires... would like to know.
i said was you can make it just fine if you drive slowly in an area like this one which gets 2-3 snowfalls a year lol. of course having 40" of snow is an irregularity where snow tires might help but most likely won't because clearance becomes an issue way before tires. just ask my buddy with the raptor who made it about 4 ft from his driveway before getting completely stuck lol.
Originally Posted by
GT-R & S4
In looking at your post (as well as previous ones), you have a tendency to be offensive to people on this board, whether you know it or not. Secondly, it doesn't help when you use vulgarity (f*ckwads) directed at others. As for factual data to support my comment that people who drive aggressively during inclement weather, just because they come from states with winter driving conditions every year, I'm not sure I can provide an objective chart or report, if that's what you're looking for. My point was to state that people can be overconfident to the point of making themselves a danger on the road and to others. The point is, when road conditions become at the very least a challenge for most competent drivers, the smart thing to do is to be careful, and not be that jerk who drives too fast, cuts in front of people and not give them room/time to stop properly, etc. In the end, my post was to be helpful by giving a reminder to my fellow S4 drivers, that just because we have AWD and snow tires, doesn't mean it's driving as usual. Use common sense and be safe.
when my tendency to be offensive comes out, it's because i want to be offensive. my offensiveness was a cross discussion with fuckwad from the chat thread, i don't blame you for taking it out of context because it was, indeed, out of context.
if your post was a general tip for fellow S4 drivers then why did you quote me? I misconstrued it as a response to my post. And yes, i was indeed asking for factual backup for what you said, which i found to be a ridiculously unfound allegation. Am i claiming you are wrong? No because i don't think i've ever collected data from people i pass stuck in ditches, hanging out the window like "HEY WHAT STATES HAVE YOU LIVED IN, HOW CONFIDENTLY DO YOU DRIVE IN THE SNOW AND HOW FAST WERE YOU GOINNNNNGGG" as i fly past them at 100mph in 2ft of snow on summer tires. cmon now!