Dirtyeuro, there are many techniques. You want to of course start with ample penatrating oil of your choice. Most do this days before, up until.
Once you get to it, start with simple stiff and go from there. First try and see if it can turn (don't twist the head at all). If it doesn't budge, hit the back end with a hammer and punch. If it pops out, great. If not, try to turn it again. If you don't like the room available for the punch and hammer, place the nut at the very end and hit it that way. But...be carefull not to mushroom the head by hittin it too hard. Mix it up a bit and give yourself time with this technique. If it doesn't work, then apply some heat and proceed with the same process. Repeat with still mixing it up while applying more and more heat till it finaly does budge (you very much could end up with the area glowing red). Eventually it will give. Just give it time repeating the process with applying more and more heat.
Be sure to place antiseize on the new pinch bolt before installing. Also reapply antiseize any time you can (ie at least once a year when you have the wheel off for whatever reason). Then next time around, comes out without a hassle. I'll be changing a few ca parts spring time, and I don't expect any pinch bolt issues because of the aforementioned.
There are of course other routes. But what was stated for the average diy driveway guy who either doesn't have a lot of tools or wants to spend money on stuff they will hardly ever use. For applying heay, use the little map tanks with a Bernzomatic torch tip/igniter. Not cheap at roughly $35, but is the best one for that tank (except for things like an air/map setup). You want that torch tip for the flame it produces. You get what you pay for, and weak flames just makes the job that much longer. Or, go rent an mc tank of acetylene from your local gas rental supply place (ie Air Gas). But you will also need your own regulator and torch tip, so price starts to stack up. They won't rent one these (you can CL shop and grab a used one). I only rented nitrogen from Air Gas before, and it was cheap. Something like $25-$40 or so, and tank needed to be returned after a month.