I have been collecting a few pieces for the swap and I'm ready to pick up a transmission.
Based on threads I have read this is what I've got.
I'm going with a GJW 2004-2005 six speed for my 2003... I like the ratios.
My five current speed:
1.8T 5 Speed, B6
Rear Axle 3.89
Over all Ratio MPH @ 3200 RPM
3.778*3.89= 14.69___ (15.9)
2.176*3.89= 8.46___ (27.62)
1.429*3.89= 5.55___ (42.1)
1.091*3.89= 4.24___ (55.1)
0.889*3.89= 3.45___ (67.6)
RPM @ 65 MPH =3080
1.8T 6 speed Quattro, B6 2004-2005 GJW
Rear Axle: 4.11
GEAR Overall Ratio- MPH at 3200 RPM
1st 3.667* 4.11=15.07... (15.5)
2nd 2.053*4.11=8.43... (27.7)
3rd 1.423*4.11=5.84... (39.99)
4th 1.065*4.11= 4.37... (53.4)
5th 0.853*4.11= 3.50... (66.7)
6th 0.685*4.11= 2.81... (83.1)
RPM @ 65 MPH = 2500
A little bit more in first... Third is a bit closer, fourth is just about the same, as is fifth... Then you have a nice sixth.
For a complete picture of options, here is the GVE from a B7, 2.0T
2.0T 6 speed Quattro, B7 2005.5 GVE (edited)
Rear Axle: 3.89
GEAR Overall Ratio- MPH at 3200 RPM
1st 3.667* 3.89 = 14.26.... (16.4)
2nd 2.053*3.89= 7.98.. (29.3)
3rd 1.37*3.89 = 5.32... (43.9)
4th 1.032*3.89 = 4.01... (58.3)
5th 0.8*3.89 = 3.12... (75.1)
6th 0.685*3.89 = 2.55... (91.3)
RPM @ 65 MPH= 2280
I have sourced a ETQ rear diff ( 4.11 gears) and a 8E0 521 101D (superseded to 8E0 521 101T) drive shaft ( from a 2005 B6 auto).
That leaves me with needing a shifter and front CV's.
1: I'm picking up a complete shifter box with linkages and knob from the six speed. I'm pretty sure my five speed shifter linkages won't work. True?
2: Do I need the cross member from the six speed?