Well it sounds like your car has itself in limp mode. Whenever you fill ATF, you have to cycle the trans through the gears (while filling it) so the pumps can prime themselves and get fluid moving through them. I once filled my trans without doing this, and it would not go into gear. Since you have a crank position code, it likely has something to do with that. The crank sensor finds its position by using the relative position of the camshafts to figure out where the pistons are in their stroke. So if your cam timing is off relative to the crank (not relative to each other), the engine will not be running properly due to the fact that its timing will be off and it has no idea where the pistons are.
I'm not sure why it would not rev past 2.2k unless it is in a limp mode. I don't want to scare you but the crank sensor could be bad, or (hopefully this isn't it) your timing is off. You can drive it with bad timing but it is not ideal and your car will be slow, inefficient and it will just suck to drive. If the transmission wont go into gear, try topping the fluid off the right way. If you get it to drive and the engine goes back to working normally and the crank code goes away, then you're golden.