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  1. #1
    Account Terminated Three Rings
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    Sanitarium ghosts broke my car

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    With the MAF (Hitachi) plugged in, car idles horribly rough and dies. With the MAF unplugged, it runs good enough to move under its own power to get home. I ordered a new sensor and it changed nothing. I have a rosstech cable, only code thrown with the maf plugged in is vehicle "speed sensor implausible signal" which has been there for a while, I'm to the point where I know my speed base on RPM's and which gear i'm in.

    Engine details:

    AWE RSK04 kit with forge 007 DV's, APR aluminum bi pipe, AWE intercoolers, custom made spider hose w/ catch can, 034 2.0 coil conversion kit running NGK PFR6Q's, stock airbox with airflow straightener, southbend stage 4 extreme 6 puck clutch with single mass steel flywheel, SSAC "twin 1" turbo back exhaust modified to be straight. Other mods to the car but they don't really apply to my problem here.

    What happened:

    I live about 10 miles away from an abandoned/closed down sanitarium which my grandfather worked at back in the 50's. It has beautiful old structures built by convicts from the local prison. The other day I decided to explore the sanitarium a little bit and scout out some places to get some sick pictures of my car. About a half mile away, i saw deer running in a field on my right and heading straight towards the road. I downshifted to 4th and got ahead of them, but at about 4.8-5k rpm i heard a loud whoosh noise and the car died, bringing me to a stop right in the entrance to the sanitarium. I didn't die though, and no zombies came out to eat my brains.

    I think the whoosh noise was the released boost from the car suddenly dying. My turbo's aren't being weird or smoking, boost gauge works fine, DV's aren't stuck, fuel pump works properly and no misfires when i check block 015 an 016 on rosstech.

    I'l continue to troubleshoot today, but wanted to reach out for any advice people might have with similar experiences.

    Any helpful info is appreciated and yes, I'm going back for pictures once she's fixed.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings zillarob's Avatar
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    You blew a boost hose, pressure test time.
    Vss code will prob give you a 5k rev limit.
    There are only 2 things needed to make an Audi work properly - Duct tape and WD40. If it moves and it shouldn't - Duct tape. If it doesn’t move and it should - WD40.

  3. #3
    Account Terminated Three Rings
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    You're correct, after lifting her up and peeking around, the silicone hose coming off the passenger side turbo outlet is disconnected. Probably gonna drill a small hole in the subframe to get a screw driver in there. I don't know how else to get to tighten the clamp without dropping the sub or lifting the engine.

  4. #4
    Account Terminated Three Rings
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    In case anyone in the future stumbles on this thread, I drilled a hole up through the subframe to get to the clamp that slipped off. problem solved.


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