Vehicle Make/Model : 2009 Audi S5
Location: What state/country the car was driven primarily : Denver, Colorado
Mileage/Date in which CB was discovered : 67,0000
Oil used : Castrol Synthetic
Oil Change Interval : 5k Miles
Fuel Used : Sinclair / Costco / Conoco 93 Premium
How short/long are your trips on average : 5 Miles - 25 Miles
Noticed my car running poorly. No Engine codes or anything like that. Just purchased it at 60K miles and the previous owner has had it since 10k miles. He said he never really stepped on it. After noticing my car running a little sluggish, my brother and I decided to open it up and take a look at the Intake Valves. No surprise that they were in rough shape, and full of carbon. We followed a few DIY to open it up. At the current moment, we are a bit stuck because 5 Valves are closed but 3 stayed open. It is an Automatic Audi S5 and the Parking "hand break" was enabled prior to opening the car up. Does anyone have any ideas on how we can get the last 3 valves to fully close so we can continue cleaning them? Any help will be greatly appreciated