Hey Gang,
I've been looking and looking for good pictures of thule/yakima/etc cargo boxes on Audi sedans to see which size and/or shape to go with. Best I can find are these two images, 1 of which is kind of a joke...
I like this look, but it'd be nice to get more of a side profile shot as well. I don't want the thing hanging over the windshield.
There's also the brochure they send showing an a3 with what looks like a Thule force cargo box - posisble a large?
Honestly, though it's not an Audi, I'm wondering what this Whispbar WB700/701 black would look like on the Audi Sedans. It looks awesome on this M5.
The only issue with the WB700/701 is that it's 10/13 cubic feet of space - and definitely no fitting skis.
Someone Please Healp with some pics of audi sedans with cargo boxes.