The majority of this review was written and compiled during the whole process from break-in to present while memory was fresh.
Initial Thoughts:
I've only driven around 15-20 miles home from the dealer. I put the car in comfort mode, so i don't accidentally give it too much gas.
The pedal doesn't feel stiff at all, very similar to stock, however the throw of the pedal itself, does seem slightly shorter, not sure if that's possible. Lol. The clutch engages very early it feels like. As some as you begin to release the pedal, it's like the clutch has already grabbed. Once you begin feeling the clutch grab, it's already completely engaged. I believe this particular feeling is from the upgraded line sans delay valve. It's really pretty amazing.
I haven't taken it into high rpm obviously, but when downshifting, it is so easy to control the rpm with throttle for a smooth rev match. I can tell it takes less throttle to move the tach needle as well. Upon upshifts, it seems like the RPMs do fall quicker as well. I find i need to shift a little quicker, so the RPMs don't fall lower than the target. I can't wait to see how it feels WOT 1->2.
I turned the music off and tried to see if i could hear any chatter. I cannot. Even put it in 6th gear at around 1k RPM, and slowly accelerated. Never heard a single sounds coming from the tranny.
Overall, its amazing how easy it is to drive this clutch. Everything about it feels right so far, and nothing at all so far has been a compromise or a negative effect from OEM.
The pedal doesn't feel stiff at all, very similar to stock, however the throw of the pedal itself, does seem slightly shorter, not sure if that's possible. Lol. The clutch engages very early it feels like. As some as you begin to release the pedal, it's like the clutch has already grabbed. Once you begin feeling the clutch grab, it's already completely engaged. I believe this particular feeling is from the upgraded line sans delay valve. It's really pretty amazing.
I haven't taken it into high rpm obviously, but when downshifting, it is so easy to control the rpm with throttle for a smooth rev match. I can tell it takes less throttle to move the tach needle as well. Upon upshifts, it seems like the RPMs do fall quicker as well. I find i need to shift a little quicker, so the RPMs don't fall lower than the target. I can't wait to see how it feels WOT 1->2.
I turned the music off and tried to see if i could hear any chatter. I cannot. Even put it in 6th gear at around 1k RPM, and slowly accelerated. Never heard a single sounds coming from the tranny.
Overall, its amazing how easy it is to drive this clutch. Everything about it feels right so far, and nothing at all so far has been a compromise or a negative effect from OEM.
Middle of Break-in
So, i hit 179 miles today, but this driving slow is making me nuts. I hit up Jake who assured me that as long as the car is in gear, i can mash the gas if i want to.
So i immediately made an excuse to go for another 20 mile drive lol. So still, being as careful as i can while shifting, i put it in auto mode instead of comfort (not ready for dynamic yet). Up until this point, i was doing most shifting under 3k RPM, while also accelerating slowly. Now, I'm bringing the revs up higher and faster, just no launching or power shifting. So maybe I'm getting 70% of the car now, as opposed to 30%.
The clutch is even easier to shift at higher RPM. Revs still seem to match perfectly on upshifts, no waiting for the rpms to drop like oem. Love that. Can't wait to see how this 1st to 2nd shift will be at WOT 7000 RPM!
The clutch still makes zero noise, though i have FELT an ever so slight chatter under very rare circumstances such as very slow forward crawl into garage up an incline from a full stop. Even so, it doesn't feel concerning, and feels normal and absolutely no negative side effects under any other circumstances.
Everything about this clutch/flywheel setup is actually easier to drive than oem, and i can't believe it. I had a Vast stage 3 modified RS4 clutch with oem DMFW on my A4. It was awesome. Very oem like, but heavier pedal. Took a long time to get smooth with it. This setup feels nothing like that setup. This feels better than oem. Everything feels more natural and connected logically as far as input vs output (sorry, I just got promoted to Analyst 2 so that's how i talk now).
For instance, less throttle input is required to raise rpm in neutral, and they fall slightly quicker as well. I'm obviously not giving it any gas hardly to get rolling in 1st, but even in comfort mode, it surprised me a couple times when it just hooks and pulls with zero effort. I don't have enough acceleration under my belt yet, but even 1st feels like it has less resistance to acceleration.
It is easier to shift smoothly than oem, both upshifting and rev matching downshifts. Because the RPMs rise and fall in a more direct relationship with your foot, no waiting, it just all comes together at the right time now. I can finally see a need for a short shifter. The 4th to 5th gear shift is so long, the rpms often fall below where i want them before I'm ready, so I'm having to make that shift faster than I'm used to.
So i immediately made an excuse to go for another 20 mile drive lol. So still, being as careful as i can while shifting, i put it in auto mode instead of comfort (not ready for dynamic yet). Up until this point, i was doing most shifting under 3k RPM, while also accelerating slowly. Now, I'm bringing the revs up higher and faster, just no launching or power shifting. So maybe I'm getting 70% of the car now, as opposed to 30%.
The clutch is even easier to shift at higher RPM. Revs still seem to match perfectly on upshifts, no waiting for the rpms to drop like oem. Love that. Can't wait to see how this 1st to 2nd shift will be at WOT 7000 RPM!
The clutch still makes zero noise, though i have FELT an ever so slight chatter under very rare circumstances such as very slow forward crawl into garage up an incline from a full stop. Even so, it doesn't feel concerning, and feels normal and absolutely no negative side effects under any other circumstances.
Everything about this clutch/flywheel setup is actually easier to drive than oem, and i can't believe it. I had a Vast stage 3 modified RS4 clutch with oem DMFW on my A4. It was awesome. Very oem like, but heavier pedal. Took a long time to get smooth with it. This setup feels nothing like that setup. This feels better than oem. Everything feels more natural and connected logically as far as input vs output (sorry, I just got promoted to Analyst 2 so that's how i talk now).
For instance, less throttle input is required to raise rpm in neutral, and they fall slightly quicker as well. I'm obviously not giving it any gas hardly to get rolling in 1st, but even in comfort mode, it surprised me a couple times when it just hooks and pulls with zero effort. I don't have enough acceleration under my belt yet, but even 1st feels like it has less resistance to acceleration.
It is easier to shift smoothly than oem, both upshifting and rev matching downshifts. Because the RPMs rise and fall in a more direct relationship with your foot, no waiting, it just all comes together at the right time now. I can finally see a need for a short shifter. The 4th to 5th gear shift is so long, the rpms often fall below where i want them before I'm ready, so I'm having to make that shift faster than I'm used to.
Post Break-In
Overall, my takeaways on the flywheel, now that I'm getting used to how everything feels/works again; I have never had a LWFW before, and I'm not sure what I expected. I didn't expect much. What I got was so much more. The way the revs climb now is incredible. I still have stock tuning, and I can more easily get the rear end loose than I could before due to the nature of how fast rpms climb now. I can rev match down shifts much easier/smoother than I have ever been able to on this or any other car. The power is immediate when mashing the pedal, and the ever so slight "turbo lag" is gone. I have never felt this clutch slip, and it feels good.]]
When I had my stock clutch still, I did run 1 0-60, in the summer. I launched at around 5k max, (was a fairly terrible launch btw) at 5800 ish feet on a 9000 DA day. lol. I got a 5.6 0-60 calculated by Torque app.
Today, it was 22 degrees, and wet. I figured why not get a new baseline. So without any launch, just mash and go and a little bog and a little wheel spin in 1st higher res, I got a 5.7 0-60. I figure, that's not a bad place to start. Now I just have to find the nerve to actually pull off a launch at the right place/time. Not sure if this data is worth squat, but its all I have besides opinion. It is what it is. This is a great setup, and Im super happy with the LWFW. There is no audible chatter, and 99% of any feelable chatter is gone unless I'm in super low rpm with super low throttle, like where a normal car would almost stall, but this one doesn't because it's got ridiculous low down torque. Lol. The only real difference in sound, when idling in neutral, you can hear the rattle of the transmission gears from under the car slightly more. Still sounds 10x quieter than my A4 did in a drive through. The supercharger whine from the intake also seems almost slightly higher pitched, again due to the rpms increasing faster.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Keep in mind I also have 034 drivetrain insert set installed, as well as USP stainless steel line when considering my results.