Just throwing this up there for my own use and any others use.
I Compiled a lot of information regarding how to change trans and diff fluid and what to look for and do and here it is.
Here is a definitive and what I have found to be the best write-up on changing the trans(ATF) fluid. Write-up from europaparts
Here is a video on doing ATF fluid for 01V, its not great but is good and may help. Also there is another write-up or two which may help.
Here is a definitive and what I have found to be the best write-up on changing the Rear Differential fluid.

Here is a definitive and what I have found to be the best write-up on changing the Front Differential fluid.

Finally here are fluid type and capacities listed, also there are some nice tips/tricks from users who have done these procedures.

Center Transferbox, I assume you suck out the fluid from this and pump some back in but im not sure.
