Hey guys,
Does anyone have a clue on the pin outs of the factory recaro seats?
Red plug - Power for the seat motors:
I noticed that there are 4 cables, two large ones (+12V, Ground) and two smaller ones - what do the smaller ones do?
Is this the black or green plug? - Seat heaters:
Again why there are so many cables? Which ones are the one I need to power in order to get the seat heaters to work?
What about the other plug (black or green)?
Yellow plug - Airbag:
Are these cables interchangeable - from what I recall there are.
Seat Belt Pre-tensionares
From a quick look it seems that these seats don't have pretensionares, is this correct? Btw I'm referring to the ones that activate during the crash and further tighten the seats (not the seat retraction mechanism).
FYI these seats are going to a 2008 Prius so I don't care about CAN-Bus functionality.