I own a 2012 S5 and I'm wondering if anyone else on this board has experienced the same issue I am getting when I accelerate from a dead stop and progress through gears 2 and 3. The car literally pauses for a second between each gear, almost as if all power was cut off, then it kicks into the gear but each time the odomoter bounces up and down while in this split second transition period. It isn't smooth at all and results in a somewhat jerky transition through the gears. I've taken into the dealership 3x now and even had an Audi specialist come out and look at it. He said that's just how this model runs, which to me seemed like a bs answer. Truth in engineering is their motto right? Anyways, wondering if anyone has noticed this same issue. It seems to only happen from a dead stop and the best way to describe the issue is a small hesitation between gears 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 where the odometer fluctuates up and down until the car finally seems to settle in that gear. Thoughts? Am I the only one experiencing this? I hope so because I am going to keep pushing Audi to fix the car because the experience is awful to date. FYI, I bought it CPO so they should have fixed this or at least been able to assuming this isn't some wierd quirk of how it was designed. Please help!