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  1. #1
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    Varta Silver Dynamic AGM 95Ah 850A bem-code

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    Can someone help me with that code? I want to program new battery to my Audi but I don't find bem-code for that.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings SinCityA6's Avatar
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    Are you using VAGCOM? If so, here are the procedures from Ross-Tech for coding the battery....

    This procedure details how to replace a battery in a vehicle using a separate battery management control module. See the separate instructions for models where the battery management control module is a slave/subsystem of the gateway.

    The following procedure does assume you are using a battery supplied by VW/Audi, all necessary details for the following steps can found on the battery itself. Make sure to refer to the factory repair manual in order to fulfill all additional prerequisites.

    [61 - Battery Regulation]
    [Coding - 07]
    Use the pull down menu to select the battery (slave) listed as #1.
    [Battery Coding]
    Enter the new Battery Part Number (10 or 11 digits).
    Enter the new Battery Serial Number (10 digits).
    Select the new Battery Vendor.
    [Do it!]
    [Close Controller, Go Back - 06]
    Your new Battery should now be coded and the Battery Control Module should be aware of the new Battery.
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  3. #3
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    I know programming procedure. All I need is Bem-code. It's same like u said (serial/part number)

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  4. #4
    Senior Member Two Rings Saifxnyc's Avatar
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    It's on the battery

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    Quote Originally Posted by Saifxnyc View Post

    It's on the battery

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    I know it's on the battery but I don't have original Audi battery

    Now I have only one 10 digit code what varta gave me ... I belive it's part number ... Then isnt serial number that important?

  6. #6
    Senior Member Two Rings Saifxnyc's Avatar
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    Can you take a picture of the battery numbers? May be we can decipher something from there. Also have you tried contacting Varta or the dealer directly they usually don't Mind helping down here the techs at the stealership

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    Last edited by Saifxnyc; 01-07-2016 at 01:40 PM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saifxnyc View Post
    Can you take a picture of the battery numbers? May be we can decipher something from there. Also have you tried contacting Varta or tje dealer directly they usually don't Mind helping down here the techs at the stealership

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    These numbers i can fond on my battery

    Also contacted varta and they give me that code 3D0915105G
    Googled that code and it's part code

  8. #8
    Senior Member Two Rings Saifxnyc's Avatar
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    4016987145845 that number seems like it is your serial number.. you would use the least ten digits so there fore 6987145845... other than that everything else looks good. These people can also help you specifically i don't know if you bought the battery from them or not
    [email protected] here is a link to their store... to the best of my knowledge that is i know. I will do further research for you. Although you shouldn't be extremely concerned about the battery not coded in because i had my battery replaced and it wasn't coded for three years lol and i had no problems with the car ever except when the temps hit below 0 C i had to replace it because it sat for a good month and a half and wasn't driven charged in intervals. Bottom line you should be good either way IMO.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Saifxnyc View Post
    4016987145845 that number seems like it is your serial number.. you would use the least ten digits so there fore 6987145845... other than that everything else looks good. These people can also help you specifically i don't know if you bought the battery from them or not
    [email protected] here is a link to their store... to the best of my knowledge that is i know. I will do further research for you. Although you shouldn't be extremely concerned about the battery not coded in because i had my battery replaced and it wasn't coded for three years lol and i had no problems with the car ever except when the temps hit below 0 C i had to replace it because it sat for a good month and a half and wasn't driven charged in intervals. Bottom line you should be good either way IMO.
    Nope I didn't bought battery from them ... Dealer who sell it to me don't know what I want and that's sad. Reason I want battery coded is because I use webasto and here is cold right now so I need good battery everyday. If I use serial code what u found for me then what u think what part code should I use

  10. #10
    Senior Member Two Rings Saifxnyc's Avatar
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    Varta Silver Dynamic AGM 95Ah 850A bem-code

    Quote Originally Posted by janarp View Post
    Nope I didn't bought battery from them ... Dealer who sell it to me don't know what I want and that's sad. Reason I want battery coded is because I use webasto and here is cold right now so I need good battery everyday. If I use serial code what u found for me then what u think what part code should I use
    Use my part code because it's generic lol I looked at old one and it was the same I am assuming that the computer registers it as a new battery in the car when you Change the serial number if it is the same battery as the previous vendor the code can be left unchanged. Again I know mines worked fine but I'm
    Going off my knowledge in Computers and I'm fairly sure if you cross reference my numbers with your you can figure out the serial number that's what I did and I'll ask my tech as well for you. Any how let me know how it turns out recently I had battery problems I replaced it the mmi lies lol and no problems it would start because the temps just got below zero and all kind of stuff happens lol.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saifxnyc View Post
    Use my part code because it's generic lol I looked at old one and it was the same I am assuming that the computer registers it as a new battery in the car when you Change the serial number if it is the same battery as the previous vendor the code can be left unchanged. Again I know mines worked fine but I'm
    Going off my knowledge in Computers and I'm fairly sure if you cross reference my numbers with your you can figure out the serial number that's what I did and I'll ask my tech as well for you. Any how let me know how it turns out recently I had battery problems I replaced it the mmi lies lol and no problems it would start because the temps just got below zero and all kind of stuff happens lol.
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    I'm little confused here now.. :) u gave me serial code not part code LOL

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  12. #12
    Senior Member Two Rings Saifxnyc's Avatar
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    try it 1G14529831

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saifxnyc View Post
    try it 1G14529831
    It's part code? And previous code what u give me was serial?

    Edit: I use now these codes-
    Part code: 3D0915105G and 1 space after the code
    Serial code: 1G14529831

    And after that I hear some clicking after I start engine ... This clicking ends after same minutes ... Possible it was before too ...not sure

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    Last edited by janarp; 01-10-2016 at 10:46 AM.

  14. #14
    Senior Member Two Rings Saifxnyc's Avatar
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    If you hear ticking it's the fsi engine in your car. If you already have a part number as you stated earlier you can use that. Other than that you have a new serial coded the computer knows it's a new battery. Have you experience and issues at all with your battery?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Saifxnyc View Post
    If you hear ticking it's the fsi engine in your car. If you already have a part number as you stated earlier you can use that. Other than that you have a new serial coded the computer knows it's a new battery. Have you experience and issues at all with your battery?
    Before I experienced that passanger seat heater turns off after some trips (~ 200km) let's see now does it stays ON now

    Btw before I didn't notice that ticking :)
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  16. #16
    Senior Member Two Rings Saifxnyc's Avatar
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    I didn't either I had the mechanic open the hood hear the engine sounds like you described tick tick tick. He said its normal these engines are loud that's why if you notice there are sound dampeners on the hood and plenty of resonators mufflers to keep the noise down.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Saifxnyc View Post
    I didn't either I had the mechanic open the hood hear the engine sounds like you described tick tick tick. He said its normal these engines are loud that's why if you notice there are sound dampeners on the hood and plenty of resonators mufflers to keep the noise down.
    Ticking is more bottom of the car ...I'm not sure... Just feels like that

    And still passanger seat heater turns off after som time. But it turns off when no one is sitting there. Is this how it supposed to be working?

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    Last edited by janarp; 01-11-2016 at 01:09 AM.

  18. #18
    Senior Member Two Rings Redd's Avatar
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    I am having a similar issue, on a 2014 Audi Q5, but I'm located in the US so a "genuine Varta" battery is actually made by JCI, who sell a similar (if not the same) battery under several brand names.

    The important bit is to get the correct BEM, or a BEM for a substantially similar battery. In my case that is the H8 size battery, upsized compared to the original.

    With AGM batteries, it is *crucial* that the battery be kept fully recharged, not just 95% the way a wet cell might be charged. If the AGM battery is not given a full charge the battery longevity suffers badly. So in theory, the correct BEM number tells the newer cars exactly what voltage to charge to, and exactly what the correct capacity (amp hours) o the battery is. Use the wrong numbers, and you will, guaranteed, give the battery a premature death.

    The Varta G14 BEM shown in the pictures above (and thank you, that may be the best I get) differs from the JCI "95A" battery retailed in the US. While the Ah ratings are both 95, the US battery has different cranking and reserve numbers. If I can't find the specifics for my battery...I'll hope that "95A" tells the controller enough to get the charging close enough to correct.

    My JCI battery is labelled as "Autocraft Platinum" sold through Advance Auto (chain) fwiw. Size H8, which again oddly enough is rated 900 cranking amps--versus only 850 for the "genuine" Varta German product.

    If anyone has any updated or better information...I'd appreciate hearing it!
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  19. #19
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    BEM tags

    Quote Originally Posted by janarp View Post

    Can someone help me with that code? I want to program new battery to my Audi but I don't find bem-code for that.
    Exact same battery just received a few days ago , No BEM tag got onto seller who told me I dont need a code , or use the code from the old battery
    Tried using old code but scanner keeps saying wrong code , anyway put volt meter on battery ,engine running and it was showing
    14.6 volts then started going up and down like a yo yo !!

  20. #20
    Senior Member Two Rings Redd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deezel View Post
    Tried using old code but scanner keeps saying wrong code , anyway put volt meter on battery ,engine running and it was showing
    14.6 volts then started going up and down like a yo yo !!
    Deezel, there are some detailed threads over at Audiworld where this was fleshed out.
    All you apparently have to do with the coding, is change the serial number of the battery by one digit, any digit. It is possible that you made a typo (zero for oh, or one for I, or single versus double space, or extra trailing space) and that's what bit you.

    From what anyone can figure, the only things that battery coding accomplishes are:
    1-It tells the car to tell you to come buy a $400 cup of coffee while the shop checks out your battery, based on simple age.
    2-More importantly, it tells the dealer what serial number and age the battery in the car is supposed to be. In case you bought a new battery ten months ago, and have cleverly swapped it out into your other Audi, and you are now trying to get warranty service on some old battery claiming it was the new one. (Yeah, there are folks who will do that.)

    Neither really matters, since there's a date code literally stamped (usually under the label) on the battery casing anyway.

    Putting in a new digit resets all that, but no one can say the car won't 'reset' charging values anyway when it sees a healthy battery. Audi only spouts BS on this.

    On the funny numbers from your voltmeter? That's actually normal. The alternator may run up to 14.4 volts normally, but then if the charge control computer sees the battery is charged, and there aren't any major loads engaged (lights, heaters, AC) then the alternator is actually SHUT DOWN and you may see the system drop to 12.6 or 12.4 volts for a short while, and then pop back up to 14.4 or 13.6 or whatever the charge computer decides. Shutting the alternator allows slightly higher mpg, that's the point of all the complex nonsense.

    Fun isn't it?
    It followed me home. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
    Herr Doktor Strangelove is a mildly psychotic German on four wheels, sometimes mistaken for a 2014 Audi Q5 Premium Plus 2.0.


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