The wife drove my car exactly twice in 2015. Second time she scrapes the cladding against our garage door entrance. Black cladding + white garage door trim = no bueno. Anyway, could have been much worse. Now the cherry allroad is a little tainted in appearance. Without replacing the cladding which seems a bit extreme given the damage, I'd like to just touch up the parts that have scraped. Attached pics show the limited damage, iphone & low light. First pic was initial look, second after I scraped and cleaned. I am just looking to reasonably match the paint. It doesn't need to be perfect since there is slight surface damage and it won't look perfect anyway due to difference in depth. Anyone try to touch up cladding? Any other reasonable recommendations to rectify this terrible situation? I've considered going to a body shop to see if they can fill/minimize the damage but think they wouldn't even try given the minimal damage and seeing that I was probably too anal for them. Or I just live with this perpetually "dirty" look.
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