Hey All!
This should be my last mod until spring if you've been following my build. I wanted to give a shout out to Daniel Anderson and the rest of the crew at 3zero3 Motorsports for all their help and great service. I took advantage of the 20% Awe tuning sale and free shipping.
Initial thoughts: The weight saving is night and day between the stock unit and Awe unit. I have a 2011 DSG. The drone is real lol at 45-60 MPM going up a hill. As far as I can remember all other speeds did not have terrible drone. But I still have yet to see as I only had this installed yesterday. I love how subtle the exhaust note is during regular driving but at high rpm's the sound comes alive.
I'll try to borrow my friends goPro or have some fly by video's uploaded shortly and closer shots of the exhaust. Thanks for viewing.
Awe Touring: