I thought if you put one of those smiley things in there it made it ok? Like saying "with all due respect".
Youre prob right though, that did seem half assholish
I think you nailed it on the pros of doing a thread like that. This is prob redundant/not applicable here now, but Ill add a few more for others down the road.
The main thing was making it easy for people to help by having everything consolidated in a single thread.
If one issue could be related to another, it was right there without having to track down another thread.
A clear list of what he was working with.
Lots of pics helps to identify small probs before they became large probs.
Was responsive to feedback/tips. People will continue to help when they see they are not just wearing out the kb.
Again, not directed at you, but Ill include some of the red flag items to round things out.
Pics of things getting bolted together that werent even clean enough to take apart. This is a non-starter, its already too late.
Not being responsive to advice. Ignoring the "dont use that" or "dont do it that way" ones often leads to a "why my shit fkd up" thread.
OT ramblings aside, how much is leaking?
It is not uncommon for the oils they put on them for corrosion prevention to run down when they warm up.
This usually burns off pretty quickly and causes no further issues.
If one of those banjos is leaking, that is not a fun one to address.
There is no way to torque them all properly. This is an experience/luck thing.
I hope it isnt this, they can be a major pita to get wrapped up.