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  1. #1
    Active Member One Ring
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    A6 2.7t transmission limp mode possible lead?

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    Have an 02 a6 biturbo with the tiptronic auto recently replaced upper oil pan during installment I replaced the ac compressor during ac replacment i pulled the wire out of the oil pressure sensor connector by the oil cooler after fully putting the car back togather the cars transmission seems to be in limp mode would the ecu not being able to read oil temp cause this ?... Transmission was fine before upper oil pan replacement any advice on if this could cause limp mode would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Established Member Two Rings
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    If there is something major wrong with the engine it may tell the trans to go into limp I once had a torn throttle body boot put my car into limp mode. Setting off all kinds of lights on my dash. Along with about 5 codes. Replaced the boot, cleared the codes and was all set.

    Recently when I replaced an engine in my rush to make sure it would start I neglected to install 1 lower intercooler hose. As soon as the car was running i was concerned with filling the transmission, as the engine warmed up the idle started to go crazy. Set the ABS and another light on. Pulled the codes. Said MAF. I then remembered that last hose that I forgot to put on earlier. Put the hose on cleared the code and it was better.

    The ecm and tcm do communicate with each other. And either can cause limp mode.

    What codes do you have popping up? I would do a complete scan.
    Last edited by tewnick; 12-31-2015 at 02:46 AM.


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