Hey guys, I just got done putting a new to the car motor in my 2001 B5 S4. I got everything fired up and the car started up fantastic. It sounds like it runs smooth. Anyway I went to jump in it and take it for a spin and nothing!!! No reverse no drive no gear in tip. I checked the tranny fluid through the fill hole and there is plenty of fluid in the tranny. when I pulled the tranny off the old block the torque converter obviously lost some fluid as did the tranny cooler too. when bolted the tranny to the new block I heard kind of a "bong" sound.... lol when it was almost solid to the block. Like I said everything felt right and went smooth besides that noise I heard. I got everything up and running and no transmission at all. I know this transmission is a sealed unit but am I missing something or is my torque converter shot. there is no bleeder hole or anyting like that right? I just don't want to pull the motor again. Im pretty beat doing this thing but I got to get it running..... any help would be super cool. Thanks Guys!!!