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    slave cylinder is dead :-( question on install

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    so I have officially had to replace every hydraulic component from the swap kit the jack wagon sent me. last night got everything buttoned up and bled with new master and hydraulic lines. after building pressure, heard a "pop" and click beat the trans. walked over and sure as hell, a decent amount of brake fluid was dribbling across the top of the bell housing. i assumed the slave had died and bought another today. aggravating as hell, but I guess on the bright side, I'll have all new parts and should be good for awhile.

    question on install of the new one: I have the top end of the motor still off. I can get to the slave some what easily from there. should I disconnect the hydraulic line before removing it? I'm worried that the pushrod in the slave will pop out and something will fall inside the bell housing. any tips?

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    Veteran Member Three Rings EMF614's Avatar
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    Active Member Three Rings auditrackspeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by das4 View Post
    so I have officially had to replace every hydraulic component from the swap kit the jack wagon sent me. last night got everything buttoned up and bled with new master and hydraulic lines. after building pressure, heard a "pop" and click beat the trans. walked over and sure as hell, a decent amount of brake fluid was dribbling across the top of the bell housing. i assumed the slave had died and bought another today. aggravating as hell, but I guess on the bright side, I'll have all new parts and should be good for awhile.

    question on install of the new one: I have the top end of the motor still off. I can get to the slave some what easily from there. should I disconnect the hydraulic line before removing it? I'm worried that the pushrod in the slave will pop out and something will fall inside the bell housing. any tips?
    I just did this job just take out the slave with the line off . If you were local would help out .

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    Veteran Member Four Rings zillarob's Avatar
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    Slave didnt die, it was murdered by missing with the rod.
    It shouldnt fall out into the bellhousing unless you get all crazy in there. The boot has held the guts together on all that I have seen.
    There are only 2 things needed to make an Audi work properly - Duct tape and WD40. If it moves and it shouldn't - Duct tape. If it doesn’t move and it should - WD40.

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    Quote Originally Posted by zillarob View Post
    Slave didnt die, it was murdered by missing with the rod.
    It shouldnt fall out into the bellhousing unless you get all crazy in there. The boot has held the guts together on all that I have seen.
    you mean the slave rod missing the fork?

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    the first time you do it is always the best.

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    Veteran Member Four Rings zillarob's Avatar
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    Yes, or another prob in the belhousing allowing it to overtravel. Prob just missed the fork though.

    Its tight in there so you will not be able to just slide it straight in.
    You need to help keep the rod straight with your finger as it goes in and hope it hits.
    Saw a post here not too long ago where dude compressed the slave, then put the plug it to hold it collapsed. Ive not tried, but might be a pretty neat trick.

    Did you notice how the pedal got rock hard and that hard point worked its way up to the top?
    This is what you want to look for after you get the new one in.
    That point should feel springy and be in about the normal spot, not rock hard and at the top.
    There are only 2 things needed to make an Audi work properly - Duct tape and WD40. If it moves and it shouldn't - Duct tape. If it doesn’t move and it should - WD40.

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    I installed the slave the guy sent with the trans out of the car. it was as about as straight in as you can get it. the pedal didn't come all the way to the top, it had a lighter feeling and only if I pulled the pedal up, would it go to top position. when bleeding it, I could also see the pressure plate moving consistent with pedal pushes. the weird part is: things were fine until final bleed with the trans in the car

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    Trick I learned a while ago for easy install:

    You take a ribbon like one for wrapping gifts with but it needs to be of a wider variety, compress the slave by hand, tie the ribbon around the rod tip and back of slave, tie it, voila, it is compressed. Put a bit of grease on the ribbon so that it slides easily later when you pull it out.

    Install, cut the ribbon, pull the ribbon. If it doesn't come out, no big deal. The moment you press the clutch will be the time when rod will pull one one side of it inside and you might have better luck to pull the remaining end from outside now.

    If you elect to go with traditional install, you have to guide the rod with your fingers. I always verify the properly rod placement by compressing the slave to installation position once in hole and letting it go. If it readily moves backwards to the full extent of rod (so about 2" or so), the rod is in the hole ( and you can bolt it up. If it moves very feebly or none at all, the rod missed the fork and it will pop if you try to use it.

    And remember, the average number of slave clutch cylinders used on first install: 2.5

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    Quote Originally Posted by julex View Post
    Trick I learned a while ago for easy install:

    You take a ribbon like one for wrapping gifts with but it needs to be of a wider variety, compress the slave by hand, tie the ribbon around the rod tip and back of slave, tie it, voila, it is compressed. Put a bit of grease on the ribbon so that it slides easily later when you pull it out.

    Install, cut the ribbon, pull the ribbon. If it doesn't come out, no big deal. The moment you press the clutch will be the time when rod will pull one one side of it inside and you might have better luck to pull the remaining end from outside now.

    If you elect to go with traditional install, you have to guide the rod with your fingers. I always verify the properly rod placement by compressing the slave to installation position once in hole and letting it go. If it readily moves backwards to the full extent of rod (so about 2" or so), the rod is in the hole ( and you can bolt it up. If it moves very feebly or none at all, the rod missed the fork and it will pop if you try to use it.

    And remember, the average number of slave clutch cylinders used on first install: 2.5
    well.. when you say 2" of movement.. is that pushing it into the trans once it's in the proper spot? I THINK I got it in the right place. but it doesn't move all that much. i did install the line and build pressure. the pedal is t rock hard as zillarob said it would be. it has a softer feel and doesn't travel all the way to the top. I haven't done the full bleed yet. just don't want to kill this slave. would like to get closer to the 1.5 slaves for first install :-)

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    Veteran Member Four Rings zillarob's Avatar
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    Its like riding a bike- words here cant make it happen.
    You might get lucky the first time, but chances are you will eat shit a few times before you get the feel for it.

    Pull the pedal up every time. If it isnt up, the master closes off the res and fluid will not flow.
    There are only 2 things needed to make an Audi work properly - Duct tape and WD40. If it moves and it shouldn't - Duct tape. If it doesn’t move and it should - WD40.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by zillarob View Post
    Its like riding a bike- words here cant make it happen.
    You might get lucky the first time, but chances are you will eat shit a few times before you get the feel for it.

    Pull the pedal up every time. If it isnt up, the master closes off the res and fluid will not flow.
    haha aight


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