Hello and Happy Holidays,
Mirracles happen at this time of the year and this Audi is my Christmas miracle ..
First things first - the Vagcom and Autocom didnt find any errors.
The car was used with the valet key till now, because the main key puts error in the immobilizer and doesn't start with it.
The car was driven back home with no issues, stayed at the parking lot for a night and in the morning didn't want to start and battery seemed a little bit low so the car was pushed and tried to start it like but after 3 seconds the engine was turning off. Battery was taken out and charged and next day the car was again tried to be started with recharged battery but with no success ( again after few seconds the car dies)
It had the usual low battery errors when scanned and when deleted the errors never showed again.
Fuel pump works when I press the contacts on the fuel relay.
All the spark plugs are firing ( 3 and 4 cilynder, not I only saw the sparks but felt them )
Air filter is not blocked ( tried without it also)
I thought is the fuel pump relay because I didnt hear the pump priming when ignition is on and got new relay but no change.. ( now I read that on the original S4 the fuel pump doesnt prime before the engine starts to turn more than 38RPM and the camshaft sensor gets a signal .. Could be the same with my A4 B5 1995 with 1.8 engine code ADR ? As you can see from the second video below - the fuel pump relay activates after I start the engine.)
I'm attaching links to 2 videos in youtube which Ive made.
First one
- recorded the speedometer and lights when I try to start the car
Second one
is a video of the fuel pump relay while again trying to start the engine.
I'm using the valet key, that I have been using before and was working with no issues. The reason is the main key started to give immobiliser error from time to time and it was annoying so I decided to just use the valet key and have been used it for months with no issues.
When I try the main key, it gives the error that the immobiliser stopped the engine but no errors when I use the valet key.
I would appreciate any help! Thank you in advance and happy holidays! :)