Looks like I need to do some more reading.
This was the source I was going to use to program the new FOBs:
I do see a reference to a "Remote Control Matching" thread on the Ross-Tech site:
And the Remote matching page clearly states that
This does NOT show how to match Immobilizer components, see other items on the "Car Info & Procedures Page" to do that.
Which in turn has a link to Immobilizer info for VW/Audi/Seat/Skoda:
Assuming I have the Gen 3 immobilizer, this excerpt from the Ross-Tech site has a few methods. I will do some more reading. Reading is free, maybe I'll get lucky and not have to go to the dealer. Then again maybe I'm just fooling myself, but I am sure to learn something along the way.
Copied from the Ross-Tech site
[Immobilizer Generation 3
Many 2002 and newer Model Year vehicles sold in the North American Region (NAR) have Immobilizer 3 and there are other Rest of World (RoW) Vehicles with Immobilizer 3 as well. Use VCDS to Select the Instrument Cluster (or Address 25 - Immobilizer in Vehicles with a separate Immobilizer Control Module) and look in the Extra Field. You should see BOTH a 14 digit Immobilizer ID number and ALSO a 17 digit VIN number in the Extra fields like this: WVZKB58001H231169 VWZ7Z0W0648696. The first 17-digit string is the VIN and the second 14-digit string in the Immobilizer ID. Keys that have been previously matched to a different Immobilizer 3 System cannot be reused with another one (which has a different Immobilizer ID). In some cases, you'll need to check in the Engine Control Module in Measuring Value Block (MVB) 081 to see the VIN and Immobilizer ID. If in doubt, check the Factory Repair Manual for your specific vehicle.
Key Matching (through Instrument Cluster)
Key Matching (through separate Control Module)
Key Matching (through Kessy)
Engine Control Unit (ECU) Swapping
Injection Pump Swapping (V6 TDI only)
Immobilizer Control Module Swapping (integrated in Instrument Cluster)
Immobilizer III Immobilizer Swapping (Separate)|Immobilizer Control Module Swapping (integrated in separate Control Module)
Immobilizer Control Module Swapping (integrated in Kessy)
Immobilizer III Measuring Blocks (Ross-Tech Website)I][/I]