Found out a few weeks back my cousin who we do not see often has one and they came over today so finally got to play in one and play with him when in mine. Looks great on Glacier white.
Needless to say what a stunning pice of machinery but I can now confirm that the stage 2 bespoke map I have left the RS5 lacking somewhat. After hearing that the stage 2 lacks upper end torque I can only come to the conclusion that the owners of these stage 2 cars have a poor stage 2 map as that was certainly not the case here. The RS5 was not as quick off the line nor at any point did it even match my performance. It is close but I had the edge every time and tbh, when I was driving it it did feel like it had more grunt but it must just have been due to the sound as on the road it was just not the case.
He has now just gone shopping to Bluewater so when he comes back we gonna get some pics.
Great car and I really like it and would very happily swap mine now for an RS. Hmm, decisions decisions lol, what a weapon. I can't describe it, it feels so special and inspiring to drive but when I was in mine it just didn't seem to have the performance it feels like it has, does that make sense?
Trip to Audi I think is on the cards to have a looksie as to what is about. With a suspension mod, brake upgrade and a few little tweaks I would be a little bit happy lol :)
Oh, and he could not believe what could be had in the S5. He couldn't believe how quick it was and how tight it felt when driving at speed. But regardless of everything I have done and albeit a quicker car, its still not an RS and feel that is different is there.
Audi have really got it spot on with both the S and the RS. Us 5 owners should be very proud and happy as to the amazing cars we have :)