I've been itching to take on a widebody project for some time now. I don't want to widebody my avant, but a friend recently picked up a c4 a6 avant and is game to widen it up a little. My question to the community is is there any widebody c4's running around anywhere? Maybe compatible fenders from another model or just going to have to be all out custom? Custom wouldn't be an issue, but something similar to how the b5 guys wb their cars would be preferred.
A little backround:
I've been a welder/fabricator for about 9 1/2 years, and have done more rocker panels/cab corners/fender patches than I can remember or care to count, though I am a little nervous here. This will be my first wb conversion, but I'm extremely excited and want to make sure all bases are covered well and to not leave anything out or overlook anything (hence the thread looking for opinions). If custom is the route im going to have to take, 1.5 to 2" "extension" of the fenders is what we're looking at as of now. Any suggestions/pointers are highly appreciated.
We are still in the looking/talking/figuring stage as of now, so hopefully some concrete info can give him the incentive to move forward
