Hey everyone,
I got my hands on a nice clean 2903 B6 A4 Avant. I love the car, but honestly the 1.8T with a Tiptronic behind it just isn't cutting it.
So shortly thereafter I came across a low mile C5 A6 2.7T with the 01E 6-speed behind it. The car had over $8500 dollars worth of work done to it at the local Audi dealer - including new OEM turbos. Snagged this thing for $1000!
Anyway, I'm looking to dump the 01E and 2.7T into my B6. I've seen many builds and some threads full of all kinds of nice info on the swap.
I'm still looking for Bentley Manuals for both the B6 and C5. I need all the wiring diagrams to make sure the info I found on the forum is all good. Not that I don't trust whoever wrote up all the stuff, I just like to cross all my T's and dot all my I's.
That being said, I'm no Audi wire diagram pro, but I should be able to figure out what's going on. Anyway, I started pulling the 2.7/01E out of the A6
Anyways, I guess I'll post more info as it comes along. Expect progress to be fairly slow, because I'm ridiculously busy at work, and I don't have a garage.