I had same issue since I bought the Q, loud brakes, embarrassing, tons of brake dust...out of 9_ Audis, only model to do this, dealer says it is normal, dealt with it fr years until after wife and everyone else kept making a joke of the squeel, I finally had luck. The guy I use t get parts from online told me they just came out with a new Brembo pad for this very reason, and it supposedly works. They actually came out with a few over the years with little luck, 6 months later, these actually for the trick!
I wrote a long article about it on the Audi Club North America Facebook page (search for Paul McDonald Brembo brake pad issue Audi Q5) and it should come up in search.
Bottom line is the new Brembo pad has to be serial #8R0 698 151 L...The box and pad must have this latest sku number and you are good to go.
Here is the link the FB: