I'll try to keep this short and sweet. I've searched and done every related fix I can find or think of.
Car was running fine, replaced b1 s2 oxygen sensor and now i'm running lean on both banks. ( Don't think thats related)
I've been staying out of boost in the mean time but i'd really like to get this taken care of.
At idle and WOT or anything in between my wideband is bouncing from 14.6-15.1 (Vaccum leak maybe)
Replaced the OEM fuel pump with a Walbro 400
Replaced the FPR with a new OEM one
- Did not feel/smell/taste fuel coming out of the vaccum line that goes to the FPR
No Boost leaks, holds pressure the same as it always has
Rails stay pressurized in between running the car and sitting.
Have a Fuel filter on order should be here and installed monday night ( Could mine really be that clogged>??)
Installed new OEM o-rings on my ev14 550's that I got from projectb5.com (not sure what version they are)
- Not using hats or spacers, grinded down the attaching points for rails to have them seat all the way
- They are NOT leaking at all
All 4 02 sensors are new and in working order
-None of them are coded out
All EGT's are working
- None of them are coded out
I am really at a lose, besides some sort of vaccum leak?
Would I be able to hear a vaccum leak when I do my boost tests?
A smoke test machine would make this a lot easier, doubt there are places you can rent those right?
Here is the one and only log i'm going to take with my car running so lean. Hope it helps point in the right direction
Thanks guy