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What power levels are you at now? Planning for stage III? Ever have your valve covers off before?
I've been under a half dozen or so valve covers on 2.7T/2.8L up to 165k and I've never seen appreciable cam follower wear. That's certainly not a preventative maintenance type thing. More like it falls in the category of 'not broken, don't fix'. Unless you're going stage III, in that case might as well spend the money to build some 2.8L heads for more flow.
I am stage 3 since 120K, so about 30K miles on stage3. Recently engine started to take some oil (compression is good on all cylinders) in addition to sipping on cover gaskets. Never opened them before. Also occasional misfires (literally every component related to ignition already replaced with brand new, I mean every little/big thing is brand new, like coils, plugs, n75, fpr, injectors, and many more), thinking maybe timing chain started to stretch. I would never think of putting 2.8 camshaft in anything less than stage 3, as everyone agrees there is no point, only loosing low end torque.
Just ordered couple of these:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/271864461229 ?