Hey guys! New to Cali and this portion of the sub. I've been around for a long time (mostly a lurker just learning about my car and all the useful DIY's)
My car needs some work done to it which I either don't have the knowledge to do myself (to am just scared to do it lol) or the space to do mostly the lighter stuff (I live in an apartment complex). It's funny because I have almost all the tools one would need to do work on our cars....
I was looking to do the following:
- Carbon cleaning (I don't think this has been done prior to me purchasing the car)
- Changing fuel injectors
- Changing the cam follower (I did this around 110k miles so I'm confident I can do it on my own)
- Oil change and fuel filter (which was replaced also at around 110-115k miles)
As for the carbon cleaning and the fuel injectors, I don't have the knowledge to do on my own. I know there are DIY's for it, but I'm still scared about doing it on my own because I'll probably break something major :(.
So my question is, would any of you know where I can take my B7 A4 to a shop around me? I'd love to do the work myself, or with someone that has more experience than me but I just don't think thats possible with my current circumstances.
Thanks a bunch!
PS: Sorry for this long post.