Hello everyone. Because more than one asked about it, here's a quick diy write up.

1) Difficulty level: Easy

2) Tools needed:
A sharp knife
Dremel tool ( makes it easier )
Epoxy glue or some other strong adhesive
Double sided tape or velcro would probably work very well
Superglue ( optional )

3) Order the A3 2014+ dead pedal. Part number 5Q1864551

4) Remove your OEM pedal. In order to make it look nice and tidy you have to cut and epoxy a piece from it to the new pedal.

3) From the new A3 dead pedal, cut any unnecessary plastic pieces. Pliers are great to rip off the thin pieces.

4) From the second picture, make sure the side is 100% Flat. Use a sharp knife. Use epoxy or some other strong adhesive to glue two pieces together.

5) That's pretty much it. Slide the new pedal in, and use double sided tape ( velcro would probably work best ) under the dead pedal to fix it to the correct position. If the tape is strong enough, the pedal stays fixed, but you can still take it out in the future, if necessary. ( Or just glue it to the carpet permanently. If you wish. )

Notice that the new pedal is shorter ( about 1 inch ? ) than the oem pedal. Just to make it extra nice, I cut some floor carpet under the rear seat ( where it wont show ) and used superglue to glue it to the top, where the oem pedal is bolted in. Hence it is not oem to B6 or B7, a bottom corner will stand out a little bit. But once floor mat is back in, it looks pretty decent.

Anyway, that's how I did it. Here's some pictures of the outcome. Just remember to take it slow and think ahead before you cut or glue something. Always measure twice. :)