Hello everybody,
I installed some new reverse LED bulbs http://www.ebay.com/itm/80W-High-Pow...tV1E-x&vxp=mtr
and was very impressed with the amount of light. I'd like to do a similar upgrade to the stop and turn bulbs but I'm concerned because the LED's usually throw errors and have blinking issues.
So I found some options that looked error free, inexpensive and worthy of the time. I wanted to get your opinion on whether or not I will have error or blinking issues with the propose set up.
I was looking to use these as resistors to avoid errors and blinking issues: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1156-...562835664.html
Anyone have inexperience with trying to use LED's in the stop lights? My intention is to improve the safety/visibilty of the rear of the car.
I wonder how the LED bulb will react when the brakes are pressed, would the LED know to become brighter when the brake pressed?
Thanks for the help and I hope this helps anyone else attempting a similar upgrade :)