I posted this several weeks back and then tried reinforcing the center driveshaft bearing by making a new bushing in place. This car is different than my A6 was. In order to access the bushing and bearing you have to drop the driveshaft bearing housing, as it is supported by the same bolts that hold up the heat shield. I did this, made the gasket out of 3M window weld, and put it all back in place. Apparently the driveshaft did not like being hung from the two ends. A day later I started getting a horrible vibration over 45 mph. I assumed center bearing failure and ordered one from 034. Given what I have read about replacing the center bearing I decided to have a mechanic do it. When the mechanic disassembled it he found that the CV joint inside the driveshaft had cracked. I ordered a used driveshaft from Shokan, had it put in, and the vibration was gone.
But, the clunk remains. It mostly sounds like it is coming from the transmission area, although sometimes it sounds like it is from the front left or back right. It only occurs when in gear and rolling with little torque applied or when rolling and not in gear. It does not occur during acceleration or engine breaking. Any ideas or suggestion would be appreciated. I checked the transmission/front diff oil level today and it is full. I plan to change it anyway and order Redline MT90.