If you are going to DIY there are MUST HAVES:
1. VAGCOM - to read fault codes, reset faults and perform adaptations. Don't get one of the cheap ODBII readers but invest some coin and get Ross-Tech.
2. A Bentley service manual. Arguably the best manual on the market for our cars.
3. A good relationship with others on this forum that you can ask questions. I have a few forum members in my phonebook and we text each other when we have questions. Not saying that you need to have people on speed dial, but being a solid member of this forum, offering assistance when you can will go a long way to others helping you.
4. SEARCH IS YOUR FRIEND!!! There is a lot of knowledgable people here with many years experience with this platform. Odds are, your question/issue most likely has been addressed in another thread. Search the forum and if you still can't find it, post it in the forum.