Hey all, I've had this thought in my head for some time now.
A while back I picked up a lightly used ECS Tuning RA4 flywheel. Either during shipping or by PO, the dowel pins for the pressure plate were removed (it was poorly packaged and arrived at my doorstep with the flywheel pretty much hanging out of the box).
Anyways, in the B5 S4 section the B7 RS4 pressure plate has received a lot of attention and praise. It's supposed to be more durable than the B5 RS4 pressure plate (metal SAC vs. plastic), and have a higher clamping load. Not to mention the clutch kit (LUK 02050) is only $144 shipped from Rock Auto.
JHM sells a kit with aluminum flywheel utilizing the B7 RS4 pressure plate and unknown clutch disk for the 1.8T for a whopping $750 (sale price). My goal is to end up with a steel flywheel and spend less than $750.
zillarob seems to be the guy pushing modification of B5 S4 flywheel to fit B7 RS4 pressure plate:
So here I am, starting an open discussion about fitting the B7 RS4 pressure plate and maybe the B7 RS4 clutch disk into a 1.8T, while using an ECS Tuning RA4 flywheel. If I have to buy a B5 S4 clutch kit to scavenge its clutch disk because the B7 RS4 clutch disk won't work, so be it.
I've got my old stock clutch setup and flywheel that I can use as a reference for stack height.
My current thoughts/plans:
1) Purchase B7 RS4 clutch kit
2) Make dowel pins that transition from 10mm to 6mm, to fit in the RA4 FW holes but slide through the B7 RS4 pressure plate holes (per Scotty @ Advanced Automation)
3) Trim/drill RA4 FW steps to clear the rivets on B7 RS4 pressure plate
4) Turn RA4 FW down by about 1mm to give a fresh friction surface (per zillarob)
5) Shim the pressure plate off of FW with 1mm thick shims (per zillarob)
6) See if B7 RS4 clutch disk and TOB (throw-out bearing) can be used by comparing stack height to stock 1.8T clutch/flywheel/TOB
What do you think?