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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Four Rings mithril's Avatar
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    All I want for Christmas is.... wait, P0370 :(

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    Yippee :(
    Current: 2012 Q7 Prestige 3.0T
    Former: 2008 FSI V8 Touareg, Galpagos Grey Metallic on Sienna interior… self-immolated due to low pressure fuel leak on exhaust manifold
    Former: 2002 S6, Silver on Silver Pearl w/ Alcantara insert.... stolen, used in a targeted gang murder and given a Viking funeral
    Former: 2000 A6 4.2L... killed by a distracted driver

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings rollerton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mithril View Post
    Yippee :(
    Do you mean.. " 17114/P0730/001840 - Gear Ratio Monitoring: Incorrect Gear Ratio " ?

    Either way...maybe's the multifunction switch? Did it at least give you "intermittent' ? IS it clunking or already dead?
    foley803 : What does an electrical surge sound like? Barking dogs? Watermelons?

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings mithril's Avatar
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    It was intermittent hard clunking until the last clunk where the revs went to the sky, the car lost almost all drive and went into limp. At that point I pulled over and had it towed to my local trans specialist (the one who rebuilt my old '00 4.2) for inspection and diagnostic on Monday. I might get lucky and have it only be the switch or contaminated fluid but realistically the odds of that are pretty low. Stupid thing is with the state of the CDN dollar right now the cost of buying the parts (no shipping or labour included) for a 6MT swap would be the same as the total bill for a rebuild so a 6MT is now cost prohibitive :(
    Current: 2012 Q7 Prestige 3.0T
    Former: 2008 FSI V8 Touareg, Galpagos Grey Metallic on Sienna interior… self-immolated due to low pressure fuel leak on exhaust manifold
    Former: 2002 S6, Silver on Silver Pearl w/ Alcantara insert.... stolen, used in a targeted gang murder and given a Viking funeral
    Former: 2000 A6 4.2L... killed by a distracted driver

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings rollerton's Avatar
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    You might try these guys... they seem pretty good with this type of stuff:
    foley803 : What does an electrical surge sound like? Barking dogs? Watermelons?

  5. #5
    Veteran Member Four Rings mithril's Avatar
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    Lol, they look like they may not be quite as careful on re & re as I'd like to see. Realistically we'll just have the transmission rebuilt. 6MT would be nice, but I'm perfectly fine with my tip override VAG-Com softcoding combined with paddle wheel. Just sucks to have to spend $4K or so on this just before Christmas.
    Current: 2012 Q7 Prestige 3.0T
    Former: 2008 FSI V8 Touareg, Galpagos Grey Metallic on Sienna interior… self-immolated due to low pressure fuel leak on exhaust manifold
    Former: 2002 S6, Silver on Silver Pearl w/ Alcantara insert.... stolen, used in a targeted gang murder and given a Viking funeral
    Former: 2000 A6 4.2L... killed by a distracted driver

  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings SteelyS6's Avatar
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    I hear you about the exchange rate, it stinks, put a halt on my allroad project. Why don't you look for a local six speed A6 being parted out, or do you need the car asap?

  7. #7
    Established Member Two Rings S6XTC's Avatar
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    some more info on the soft coding please??? I have thought about playing around with it but didnt have the balls :)

  8. #8
    Veteran Member Four Rings mithril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteelyS6 View Post
    I hear you about the exchange rate, it stinks, put a halt on my allroad project. Why don't you look for a local six speed A6 being parted out, or do you need the car asap?
    This is my daily so it needs to be back as soon as possible, I also live in a condo so I have nowhere to store parts as I try to accumulate every needed for the swap. If this had happened a couple years ago when we were at par I'd be having a chat with Scott @ AdvancedAutomotion regarding a pallet shipment to my local Audi indy, not happening now :(

    Quote Originally Posted by S6XTC View Post
    some more info on the soft coding please??? I have thought about playing around with it but didnt have the balls :)
    This thread gives a pretty good overview:

    In a nutshell:

    0?xxx: Tiptronic Installation
    0 = Tiptronic Buttons/Paddles not installed
    1 = Tiptronic Buttons (shifter +/- switch) and/or Paddles installed

    0x?xx: Tiptronic Strategy
    0 = Old Strategy (Shifts to first Gear when braked to Standstill)
    1 = New Strategy (Automatic Up/Down Shift before RPM Limit & Down Shift at Kick-Down)

    0xx?x: Dynamic Shift Program (DSP)
    0 = DSP active
    1 = DSP inactive

    0xxx?: Region/Powertrain
    1 = All-Wheel-Drive (Rest of World)
    2 = All-Wheel-Drive (North American Region)
    3 = Front-Wheel-Drive (Rest of World)
    4 = Front-Wheel-Drive (North American Region)

    "The Dynamic Shift Program (DSP) is part of automatic and Tiptronic® transmissions (the multitronic® has a Dynamic Regulating Program (DRP)). It reduces the driver’s workload, particularly in stop-and-go traffic. DSP independently selects the optimum driving range. The transmission automatically recognizes the vehicle’s driving characteristics and adapts its shift strategy to the prevailing conditions."

    DSP more or less "learns" your typical driving habits and adjusts the way the transmission selects gears to match. If you granny drive the car it learns to shortshift, if you drive it like it's stolen it selects mroe agressive shift programing. Disabling DSP prevents this learning which forces a default shift program that's about halfway between normal Drive and Sport modes interms of shift points and agression. Personally I chose a coding that gave me the enhanced tip mode while leaving DSP active, I used the DSP disabled setting for a while and couldn't really notice a difference.

    In your case the stock coding for your S6 would be 01001. If you changed it to 01021 you have stock DSP function with holding gears to redline in tip mode. The tip buttons on your steering wheel will also now work in all drive modes (D, S, as well as Tip) allowing you manual shift override from the steering wheel. 01031 disables DSP function and gives you the more agressive tip settings, effectively is a fulltime quasi-Sport mode.

    Frankly the tip recoding is far more useful if you've swapped a paddle wheel in for the tip button wheel our cars come with. I almost never shifted with the tip buttons and I never drive with the shifter in the tip gate, but I find myself almost always using my paddles to override and preselect a lower gear for better corner exits or as I'm coming to a stop. It's a really simple swap for the S6 so if you can find yourself a used paddle wheel from a tip B6 S4 it's well worth the cost.
    Current: 2012 Q7 Prestige 3.0T
    Former: 2008 FSI V8 Touareg, Galpagos Grey Metallic on Sienna interior… self-immolated due to low pressure fuel leak on exhaust manifold
    Former: 2002 S6, Silver on Silver Pearl w/ Alcantara insert.... stolen, used in a targeted gang murder and given a Viking funeral
    Former: 2000 A6 4.2L... killed by a distracted driver

  9. #9
    Veteran Member Four Rings mithril's Avatar
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    Yup, Clutch Drum A failure. That made for a fun pre-Christmas bill.
    Current: 2012 Q7 Prestige 3.0T
    Former: 2008 FSI V8 Touareg, Galpagos Grey Metallic on Sienna interior… self-immolated due to low pressure fuel leak on exhaust manifold
    Former: 2002 S6, Silver on Silver Pearl w/ Alcantara insert.... stolen, used in a targeted gang murder and given a Viking funeral
    Former: 2000 A6 4.2L... killed by a distracted driver

  10. #10
    Established Member Two Rings Black-Forest's Avatar
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    We are more than likely in the same boat. I think our new Allroad suffers from the same affliction. Did you end up taking it in anywhere?

  11. #11
    Veteran Member Four Rings mithril's Avatar
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    Yup, Mister Transmission as that's who all the local indies outsource their transmission work to (Audi as well for older models). $5K later I have a nice freshly rebuilt transmission with all upgraded parts. Yay :/
    Current: 2012 Q7 Prestige 3.0T
    Former: 2008 FSI V8 Touareg, Galpagos Grey Metallic on Sienna interior… self-immolated due to low pressure fuel leak on exhaust manifold
    Former: 2002 S6, Silver on Silver Pearl w/ Alcantara insert.... stolen, used in a targeted gang murder and given a Viking funeral
    Former: 2000 A6 4.2L... killed by a distracted driver

  12. #12
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    What'd you do about torque converter?

  13. #13
    Established Member Two Rings Black-Forest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mithril View Post
    Yup, Mister Transmission as that's who all the local indies outsource their transmission work to (Audi as well for older models). $5K later I have a nice freshly rebuilt transmission with all upgraded parts. Yay :/

  14. #14
    Veteran Member Four Rings mithril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Stupid Turtle View Post
    What'd you do about torque converter?
    Replaced it with OEM, there's no need for "upgraded" or aftermarket TC's on the 4.2 or S6 (or the 2.8 or 3.0 for that matter). TC failure is an issue you generally see only on the 2.7T with the 5HP19a or, to a much lesser degree, the RS6 with the 5HP24a as the torque output on those engines are right at the limits of the transmission. The 2.8/3.0 and 4.2/S6 don't have that particular issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by Black-Forest View Post
    Indeed :(
    Last edited by mithril; 01-12-2016 at 10:13 AM.
    Current: 2012 Q7 Prestige 3.0T
    Former: 2008 FSI V8 Touareg, Galpagos Grey Metallic on Sienna interior… self-immolated due to low pressure fuel leak on exhaust manifold
    Former: 2002 S6, Silver on Silver Pearl w/ Alcantara insert.... stolen, used in a targeted gang murder and given a Viking funeral
    Former: 2000 A6 4.2L... killed by a distracted driver

  15. #15
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    How much?
    Street sauce converter for $550 after everything.. totally worth it!

  16. #16
    Veteran Member Four Rings mithril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Stupid Turtle View Post
    How much?
    Street sauce converter for $550 after everything.. totally worth it!
    OEM is $700 CAD. The street sauce TC for the 5HP24a is actually $595 + shipping + duty, converted to CAD that's over $1K. Not exactly a good deal for a part that, in this application, almost never fails on it's own and doesn't need to be upgraded. The only reason it was replaced at all was for piece of mind given that it might have been damaged by contaminant in the gear oil resulting from the clutch drum failure. Installing a TC rated to 800 ft lbs is massive overkill on an engine rated at only 310 when brand new.
    Last edited by mithril; 01-12-2016 at 10:45 AM.
    Current: 2012 Q7 Prestige 3.0T
    Former: 2008 FSI V8 Touareg, Galpagos Grey Metallic on Sienna interior… self-immolated due to low pressure fuel leak on exhaust manifold
    Former: 2002 S6, Silver on Silver Pearl w/ Alcantara insert.... stolen, used in a targeted gang murder and given a Viking funeral
    Former: 2000 A6 4.2L... killed by a distracted driver

  17. #17
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Enjoyment factor increases, therefore costs more!

  18. #18
    Veteran Member Four Rings mithril's Avatar
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    I could understand choosing a Street Sauce or similar uprated aftermarket TC on a 2.7T or 4.2T, especially since shifting the stall RPM to match the turbo's spool RPM allows you to reduce the bog effect of lag off the line, but on a stock NA 4.2L I fail to see the point of spending that extra money. I certainly don't get how an "upgrade" that produces no increase performance or reliability results in increased enjoyment factor but, as always, to each their own.
    Current: 2012 Q7 Prestige 3.0T
    Former: 2008 FSI V8 Touareg, Galpagos Grey Metallic on Sienna interior… self-immolated due to low pressure fuel leak on exhaust manifold
    Former: 2002 S6, Silver on Silver Pearl w/ Alcantara insert.... stolen, used in a targeted gang murder and given a Viking funeral
    Former: 2000 A6 4.2L... killed by a distracted driver

  19. #19
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Decreases 0 to 60, quarter mile time, etc. It's a large difference aswell. I believe scotty does have some more plus's as to his converters still being more reliable than stock even though they don't usually fail.

  20. #20
    Veteran Member Four Rings rollerton's Avatar
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    I put one in my old S4. Truth is I couldn't tell the difference.
    foley803 : What does an electrical surge sound like? Barking dogs? Watermelons?

  21. #21
    Veteran Member Four Rings mithril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Stupid Turtle View Post
    Decreases 0 to 60, quarter mile time, etc. It's a large difference aswell. I believe scotty does have some more plus's as to his converters still being more reliable than stock even though they don't usually fail.
    I'd be intrigued to see the tests that show this? I don't mean that in sarcastic or derogatory way, I'd be genuinely interested to see it. Given that we're talking about a 16yr old platform in the 4.2/S6 that is well known for both transmission failures which always involve replacing the TC and an almost complete absence of reasonable performance upgrade options, I find it a bit tough to believe that if simply installing an aftermarket TC provided all these performance increases for the same or slightly more cost than the OE part that it would be a mod that not well known and discussed by this community.

    Increased reliability would be a selling point for the 2.7T or RS6 since both those platforms have known issues with TC failure as handling limit of OE part is too close to the engines torque output. It's hard to call increased reliability a selling point for the 4.2 or S6 when the failure rate for the OE part is effectively nil. In point of fact I'd rather buy the OE part over aftermarket in that scenario simply because it's probably been better tested and has more of a known quantity to it than an aftermarket piece with no real history of application.
    Current: 2012 Q7 Prestige 3.0T
    Former: 2008 FSI V8 Touareg, Galpagos Grey Metallic on Sienna interior… self-immolated due to low pressure fuel leak on exhaust manifold
    Former: 2002 S6, Silver on Silver Pearl w/ Alcantara insert.... stolen, used in a targeted gang murder and given a Viking funeral
    Former: 2000 A6 4.2L... killed by a distracted driver

  22. #22
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Wish Scotty would chime in lol...


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