So I've read the ATF change for the B6 A4 quite a few times and I thought I had a pretty good grasp on it. You refill the trans while reading 32-34 C through vag and when it will no longer except more fluid while at that temperature range its full. So today I wanted to add 6oz of Auto RX to my trans to do some cleaning before I do my next ATF change. I went out and raised the car on ramps and stands and let the car cool for 2-3 hours because It was cranked and ran for a few minutes. I pull out the fill plug on the trans and fluid starts POURING out. I left the car alone for 2 more hours and tried again, same thing. At this point I decided to bust vagcom out and check the fluid temperature and it was only reading 23 C.
I was thinking that if the fluid temp was nowhere near 32-34 then NO FLUID would pour out of the fill plug. I'm guessing this means the shop that installed my torque converter added too much fluid?