I have a 2012 B8.5 S4 with 25000 miles and totally stock (no mods - ever!) and Full Main Dealer Service History.
Over it's lifetime it's had 3 misfiring episodes; approx once each year. The issue was "resolved" by Audi on the first and second occasion by changing an ignition coil.
On the third occasion (about 6 weeks ago) the problem started again; misfiring under WOT then EPC light would come on. Turning the ignition on / off twice would clear the issue for a while but quickly the problem returned. So back it went to Audi. This time they concluded the cylinder head was cracked (had it always been?). Had to wait 10days for a back order cylinder head to arrive. When changing the head they found another part needing replacing (some hose or other) - another 10 day back order. Finally they put the car back together and find it has an oil leak and have to order a seal. OK a bit frustrating but then things took a BIG turn for the worse. Whilst test driving the car before returning it to me, they claim that the camshaft in the new cylinder head seized, resulting in the new cyclinder head becoming distorted. WTF. So they now need to put another cylinder head in. Another 10d wait! So it's been at Audi over a month now.
So thing is I'm no mechanic. I need to know what questions to ask and things to check before taking the car back. Could they have damaged other parts of the engine / car when the camshaft seized? What causes a camshaft to seize? Anyone experienced a cracked cylinder head or seized camshaft before? Any insights or suggestions here massively appreciated - I'm feeling well out of my depth. The only plus is it does have a 4 year Audi warranty.
Looking forward to receiving your advice - thanks