2005 Audi A4 B6 1.8T 220, 000 km.
Looking for some help. Turned my car off today and when I tried to start it again it would not start. It wouldn't even turn over. All lights, radio etc are working however. I tried a batter booster but I didn't even get a spark on the batter connectors.
I did notice that morning starting it had a little hesitation before it actually started. Nothing serious to give me any indication of a problem.
Had it autoscanned completely and the only error showing is:
Engine start blocked by immobilizer P1570
I need some ideas on where to start. My first choice was starting it with the valet key/immobilizer key, that I never thought I would use, but that didn't do anything. My next step is I think I will disconnect the battery.
Any ideas would be appreciated once again.....