Originally Posted by
What he said...
Absolutely get a multimeter. Harbor freight has cheapo ones for like 5 dollars. They suck but it will tell you if your alternator is providing the correct voltage (after you get it started) and they will tell you your batteries resting voltage.(you could also get a battery/alternator load tester as they arent that expensive either(autozone will test it for free) From what you describe, it sounds like it could be either a loose or corroded ground wire or maybe just a bad battery. Throw the battery on a charger and after it is charged up, check to see if you have any large drains in your system(basically hook up a test light or your brand new cheap harbor freight multimeter inbetween the battery cable and the battery and start pulling fuses. when the light goes out or the multimeter drops down, you will have narrowed your search) If it only gets better after disconnecting/reconnecting the battery...then i'd bet it is battery related
My friend (old audi technician) seems to think its a earthing issue. I've checked the main one from the battery, and cleaned all the contacts.
I've also tried to jump it again today but had no electrics at all. Even with both jump leads and 2 separate jump packs plugged on.
Just to rub salt in the wound I broke my Metatarsal in my foot last night

so even when I get it going I won't be able to drive it for a while.
Reading from above, yeah I don't actually drive the car far too work and when I'm off shift very rarely drive it further than 10 miles a couple of days a week. I know, I know, it isn't good for the car!
So mainly the question is which earthing connections should I check? I have had an intermittent Centre brake light error recently!