Hey guys,
Its been a while for me here. I think the last time I posted was when I was venting that my mechanic didn't change my crank gear bolt after he pulled the crank gear off to change the seal and the bolt sheered after he did my timing belt service. That was in June.
I just got my car back 2 weeks ago and he did a really bad job putting it all back together. The motor is fine, but my headlight housing wasn't bolted down, my battery cable weren't attached, my air intake hose I found in my trunk, that just scratches the surface. So I spent a week in my free time fixing everything that he didn't put back together right and I fired up my headlights to drive somewhere at night and my high beams indicator was on, dim, but on. My brights weren't on though. I went to switch them on to see if they worked, and they don't turn on at all. The indicator on the dash goes from half brightness to full brightness, but they don't turn on and my indicator won't turn off.
I'm inclined to think bad ground somewhere but I'm not sure where to look if that was the case, or if that is even the problem. Any suggestions?