New to the forums, new to Audi engines, but not new to wrenching. I've done a lot of work on heavy diesels in the past.
Now for my problem. My son decided to acquire a 2008 A4 with a 2.0t. Shortly after getting it the engine spun two rods and a main. The warranty company only allowed for a used replacement engine. That supposedly only had 54,000 miles on it. The engine was installed by the used car dealer, who specializes in German vehicles. They claimed that the engine looked in real good shape. It was driven approximately 3000 miles before the first oil change. When the filter was pulled there was a large amount of metal shavings caught in it. There was also a lot in the bottom of the filter canister. Altogether if I would have spread it out on my hand it probably would have covered my palm (I have small hands). We thought that possibly the filter canister had been from the old engine and had not been cleaned. We cleaned it and ran it 500 more miles and checked the oil and filter. More metal in the filter and some on the magnetic drain plug.
At this point we have checked the turbo drain line (turbo is off the old engine, shop stated that it passed their inspection) and didn't find any metal. Next we pulled the HPFP and the cam follower and cam are both in excellent shape. The engine runs fine and sounds OK at this point, so now for the questions.
1). My son is being told by some of his co-workers, who are mechanics, to run it another 1000 miles and recheck the engine. Does anyone think this is a good idea? I don't.
2). Where would the next most likely point of failure be on these engines?
3). How difficult is it to pull the cam timing chain cover? This is Quattro so that is against the firewall.
4). He was also told that these engines normally produce some metal and/or this could be residual from the work done on the engine. To me the flaw with that thinking is that the engine itself had no work done to it other than pulling the valve covers and maybe dropping the pan.
At this point I'm not quite sure where to look next. I really was hoping to avoid just pulling the entire engine apart unless I have too. Any thoughts would be appreciated.