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  1. #1
    Registered Member One Ring
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    Mar 23 2015
    AZ Member #
    keady, Ontario Canada

    How can I tell if my fuel pump is bad.

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    So my wife started the car to let it warm up and went out 5 min later and it had died and wouldn't restart. It has 3/4 tank of fuel so I know it's not out. I'm thinking it could be the fuel pump went out but I don't know how to test it to know for sure if that's the problem? The pump has been making a lot of noise off and on for the past year..

    Sent from my D5503 using Tapatalk

  2. #2
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    May 24 2008
    AZ Member #

    When you turn the key can you hear the fuel pump run and shut off

  3. #3
    Active Member Two Rings
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    Dec 21 2011
    AZ Member #
    erskine / scotland

    if its returnless , take the cover off the back of the fuel rail and give the valve a press , and if you do it without covering it with a cloth , fling your keys in the river .

  4. #4
    Established Member Two Rings
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    May 07 2012
    AZ Member #
    Long Island, NY

    +1 on the fuel cover. That Schraeder valve in the back which looks like a tire valve stem should be pressurized after you flick the key in the on position. So if you press the release pin in the middle the fuel should squirt out. If it only drips out or does not drip out at all then it is safe to say your fuel pump is faulty or your fuel filter is all clogged up.

    Next thing would be to pull up the back seat under cushion and fuel pump cap. Turn on the key and see if you can hear the pump humming at all. If you hear nothing then yea the pump is dead. If it is working then its time to change the fuel filter. Good luck.


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