I've got an 07 RS4 and starting a few days ago I got an error linked to the self adjusting headlights.
It was wet out and I had that error once before and it never came back on after I cycled the power so I didn't think anything of it.
That is until this started happening,
It's all of the lights, headlights, interior, even the NAV colors will adjust. It's like the whole lighting system is cycling off and on. I noticed while this was happening the windshield wipers also pause momentarily. It also happens no matter if the lights are in auto or manually on.
I tried pulling the codes and it was something about the auto levelers not having a baseline essentially. I pulled the diagnostics up and both of the sensors in the wheel well are not sending any info.
I read that you can pull the fuse for that system (fuse 10) and it will kind of put a bandaid on the problem, so I tried that and got no more error code but the lights are still flashing.
Any thoughts of places to start when I try and do some troubleshooting this weekend?