Just got my S5 and starting to research the exhaust offerings. Good thread. Looks like there are others exactly like myself in their desires. Quiet, and non-droning UNTIL you put your foot in it, then I want it obnoxious. LOL.
I too had the APR RSC (Corsa) on my A4. It was perfect and met those requirements. (not as loud as Armytrix) Now I am looking at an exhaust for the 3.0 and have more to choose from. What I am surprised at, the costs. Armytrix would be a no-brainer for except for the cost? Wow. It's expensive! (I could have any other exhaust and a chip for that cost).
Moving down the list you have AWE track for most affordable and APR as most expensive, until you go to valved offerings from Millteck and Armytrix. Anyone know why Corsa charges a premium of $400 over the AWE Touring? That extra $400 could buy a pulley or an intakes So here is what I see cost wise:
Cheaper to higher in my range of affordability:
AWE Track
AWE Touring
Millteck NON RES
Millteck RES
Upon review of my own post, it does appear as though I am on a budget, and I guess I am. But from a practical position, I just really want to spend it wisely.

I don't see much chattter on the Corsa like I do the Millteck and the AWE.
Would the AWE with stock downpipes drone? Drone is my biggest concern. Track days come only 2-3 times a year.