I've been crawling /lurking for a while until this week. As you may have guessed, I now have a problem to solve instead of just dreaming about the mods and pimping to come. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
I've never worked on Audi's and truth be told.. I'm not particularly handy with any automobile that doesn't have a carburetor. At any rate, I brought the car to a mechanic friend who tole me this problem was electrical based on the codes it was throwing. Almost off of them were sensors that were not getting any love. I thanked him for pointing in the right direction and I began to check every wire and fuse to see if I could find a loose connection and or blown fuse.
Here is what I've found:
The 15A fuse (missing in photo) keeps blowing. Can anyone identify what this fuse is for and why it might keep popping?
Thank you,