Since mid-2014 in the UK (and rest of Europe) the S4/S5 has been fitted with engines having the CREC code. These engines meet EU6 emissions regulations (at least Audi claims they do :)) and have significant changes over the previous versions, including revised supercharger (with bolt-on pulley), a second set of fuel injectors and a SIMOS 16 ECU. A far as I can tell, no tuner in Europe is yet offering a package for this engine. It would appear that the US tuners have not either based on the details on their websites. However that maybe because the US car does not get a CREC engine. I know that US and European cars usually do have different engines, but I also believe that US models are designed to meet emissions laws for California, which are more stringent than in Europe? So I find it hard to believe that if Audi have produced a cleaner V6T for Europe then it would not be used for the US market too. Anyway to satisfy my curiosity I'd love to know what engines are in the latest S4/S5s delivered to the US. Over here it is immediately obvious if it has the CREC engine because the engine cover has been completely revised and looks quite different to what was used previously.